Why engage an 11 Plus Tutor?
Oddly, people often suggest that an 11 plus tutor for the 11+ Examination is unnecessary. However, the actual papers, and the expectation of these, is very different to the style that children experience in the primary school setting. The questions are harder, the content requiring deep understanding of concepts and add to that, time constraints and exam anxiety. If presented to an able child for the first time at the actual examination, they are likely to flounder. They are competing for a place at a school which is in high-demand against children who may well be a little less gifted, but who have had the benefit of an 11 plus tutor.
A study conducted in Northern Ireland (Bunting and Mooney – 2004) showed that “coaching by tutors can significantly boost attainment in the Eleven Plus exams. Five hundred students were asked to complete a number of tests – with some given tuition beforehand. Just three hours of extra help was shown to have a significant effect on attainment – and this effect became substantial after nine months of tutoring” – justifying that tutoring does have an effect on the outcome of the test.
The benefits of prior preparation.
Tutoring provides increased familiarity with the style of question posed in these exam papers, allowing the child to practise the techniques needed to solve them. Like anything in life, practice makes perfect and so confidence to tackle the task is greater. With writing practice, children can master the challenge of writing a balanced essay – under time constraints! Inexperience at this often leads to a strong story start, a muddled middle and a poor, hurried ending. In an exam, children do not have the luxury of time and this is the one time that you want them to do their absolute best.
You may choose to tutor your own child, which is fine providing that you have the time to do this and the relationship with your child to withstand it! Many opt to employ the skills of a private tutor, like Mrs B-R’s Tutor Station, where regular sessions can ensure the correct level of knowledge is delivered, can help to motivate a child, provide a clear structure to the process and help to reduce the stresses and strains between parent and child. With competition being so high for grammar school places, an investment in a private tutor can pay dividends in the end and have a significant impact on the next seven years of the child’s life.
The 11+ Examinations
Tutoring follows a 41-week programme which prepares children for the two papers they sit in the September of their final year at primary school. 11+ English papers test knowledge and skills with comprehension questions and questions that look for a firm understanding of spelling, grammar and vocabulary. A timed written challenge assesses the child’s writing skills, where examiners will expect to see a sound grasp of writing techniques and wider vocabulary. To prepare for 11+ English, tutoring will supplement class-based learning by ensuring plenty of opportunities to practice reading comprehension tasks, consolidate and extend core skills and writing practice.
Regarding Maths, the regular features in 11+ exams are Number, Handling Data and Shape, Space, Ratio, Proportion and Measures. Questions are multiple-choice, are often very challenging and sometimes require knowledge beyond the Year 5 curriculum. Tutoring and homework tasks ensure opportunities to practice; familiarity with the exam paper format will mean less opportunity for a surprise on the day of the exam.